Are you a Shelf Girl?

I want you to ask yourself, ‘Am I a Shelf Girl?’

See, something just toppled over in aisle 7 and on my way there to view what happened I’ve been glimpsing some of my girlfriends on the shelves. In case you’re wondering what a ‘Shelf Girl’ is lemme explain.

1. You’re interested in a guy and he seems to share the same feelings but he comes by now and again or even take you to dinner to keep you satisfied then he goes missing for a few days.

2. He runs over when you call him for comforting. He comes, comforts and then disappears once more for a few days.

3. He tells you he enjoys spending time with you and then he doesn’t talk to you for days on end.

Is this your situation? Are you like the grapes in the fruits section? Or like the ‘bag of chips, and alla that!?' All the possible buyers pick up the bag of chips, check out the size, sometimes even the ingredients and then rest them sloppily back on the shelf because he’s ‘not feelin’ that tonight’ or ‘that’s bad for him right now!’ He pulls a few grapes off the vine, pops a few in his mouth then decides he wants to move on with ‘Peaches!’

Ladies, remember to respect yourself. If you feel like he’s popping in now and again to keep you on his side then disappearing faster than Zorro after the heat of a sword fight, then it’s not worth it.

Unless you are comfortable with your relationship being one of ‘convenience’ then lay that out or don’t complain when he can’t serve you the way you want to be served. If this is a one stop shop, then act like it but don’t hold him accountable when you want 24 hour convenience.

On this end, we’re not promoting shelf behavior; you gatta move on. This kind of thing carries on into relationships that can possibly turn into marriages. What do you think your ‘fiancé’ does? Gives you a ring, take you off the store shelf but puts you on his shelf at home, and then keep you from potentially meeting someone that wants to bag you, taxes or not and take you home with a Kool-Aid Jammer Smile.

If you’re dating Spider Man, shelf behavior is okay; cuz we all know his has to run off into the wee hours of the night and fight off green villains. But if you are dating Mr-I-already-came-half-steppin-and-I’m-a-little-stupid-so-I-might-break-your-heart then mosey your neatly packaged self of those rusty shelves; you deserve better! ;)

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