A little Antique Shop on Bay Street

I've passed this place over an over again since I was 7 years old but never really remembered going inside so I took it upon myself to go in today and to my surprise there were many treasures in store for me.
The Balmain Antique store has been on Bay street since 1981 and is owned by Jonathon Ramsey and his ex wife Natasha Knowles Brookes.
50% of the paintings, body oils, pottery, lotions, sauces, jams, hats and soaps are made by Bahamians. The antique shop also features fabulous vintage jewelry at reasonable prices starting at as little as $15. Fun pins are also in stock starting at $10 which make great presents for Mother's Day and other special occasions.
As you leave one section and enter the other, the store also features old books, hand bags, tea cups and much more. Everything in this place makes a nice gift.

They are willing to accept quality work by Bahamians to be added to the store. Pieces must be in good shape and of good quality.

Check out these photos

Be sure to stop by! The place is absolutely fabulous. For special gifts for family friends or just to enjoy the view and craftsmanship of great Bahamian designers.

Aneka's on a ' Higher Level'

So I got some time last weekend to talk with some of the guys from the 'heavy loaded, highly soulful, Higher Level Band' for the next issue of e-life 242 Magazine.

I was glad to sit down with band leader Ghaly Swann (left), Sammi and Keiran for a little chit chat and I promise you, if you've never heard about this dynamic group, you've never anything worth hearing!

The band has been in the business for quite some time and promises a whole lot of big things for their fans.

Check out this video with the band practicing with Bahamian recording artist Sammi Star for the event Day 44 back in February

In the mean time, check out the last month's issue online by clicking on http://www.elife242.com/

Yellow Elders in Full Bloom

Have you noticed all the beautiful Yellow Elders in full bloom this Spring?

The country's national flower has been in full bloom for the month of April. There's no way you can miss them on almost every street. This one (above) is grown neatly in front of the Mall at Marathon with many more around the island.

Poinciana Drive near the College of The Bahamas and much more along the airport road.

Make sure you take the time out to enjoy the beauties of this country.

Men, Women and Biological Clocks. What time is it?

Wake up ladies and gents!!!! The alarm is ringing!
I’ve heard about the term ‘Biological Clock’ through television shows that were too grown for me to watch at that age. However, I couldn’t help my fascination and I tried to figure out ‘do I have a biological clock?’

Initially I thought it referred to a time period women give themselves to accomplish their dreams and start a family but according to answers.com biological clocks refer to:

1. An internal mechanism in organisms that controls the periodicity of various functions or activities, such as metabolic changes, sleep cycles, or photosynthesis.
2. The progression or time period from puberty to menopause, marking a woman's ability to bear children.

And just like that, it hit me! I’ve been going on and on for some time now about not wanting marriage and children but that was only decided upon if I felt well accomplished and stable. However, somewhere in the back of my mind I want to have a successful marriage and beautiful babies but with my work load, my dreams and my attitude that may be farfetched.
What stood out to me though is the idea of women not being able to bear children after a certain age. Now that was a bummer! Doesn’t look like I would have the ability to wait around after all; that of course depends on whether or not I want kids.

I started to do some research and I came across an article on CBC News.com which stated: ‘By 37, fertility is dropping steeply, and even with the most advanced medical techniques, virtually no women over the age of 44 are able to have a baby using their own eggs.’

Wikipedia stated: ‘a females egg quality starts to decline over the age of 35.’

And a few external sites claimed that fertility starts declining after age 27 and drops at a somewhat greater rate after that age. Tough pill to swallow? What about men?

Well that’s when the facts start to become a little unfair. Men can produce fertile sperm up until they are 80 years old and even more. Now ain't that somethin!

With this kind of information I decided to conduct a survey with 20 women and 20 men between the ages of 18- 35 and the results were very interesting. I wanted to know
1. Do you have a time limit to accomplish certain things in your life
2. Do you want kids?
3. Would you be upset or okay mentally if you are not a father/mother by age 35?

Here are the results:

> 14 / 20 females have given themselves time limits to accomplish their goals (college doctrates, homes, 'sensible husband' claimed one in particular
16 / 20 males have done the same


Jane Doe stated, 20 stated: 'by 25 I would like to be finished with my law degree and at lest begin another degree in business ... whether part time or full time by 30 I hope to be home and already have the ground works for a successful career and somewhere in between there I pray I get married so by 35, while I still can, I hope to have one kid and be able to spend time with him ... be like super mom who goes to the office but can still see his soccer games ... '

She went on to say: 'I came from a household where my mom had to put her career on hold to raise me and I'd rather be selfish in a sense and get my act together career wise. I don't want to be too busy for my child.'

John Doe, 23 stated: 'setting goals are extremly important for me. I can't function without it.'

* One participant however stated that setting goals only make someone depressed if those goals are not achieved.

> Just 4 / 20 females said they don't have a time limit to accomplish their goals

7 / 20 males said the same


Sherice Major, 24 stated: ' I think in this day and age a woman can have a kid when she is ready without the pressure. Medicine has become advanced to make it happen and I really don't know how I feel about marriage or wanting to be married... the only reason a biological clock exists is to force women to have kids. I don't think men think of the family and kids the way women do. They're in no rush, at least the majority of them, in my opinion.'


John Doe, 20 stated: 'I do not have a time limit, reason being, I've always been considered a late bloomer and I think I'm getting better with age as opposed to being on a downward spiral.'

When asked if he wants children he stated: 'I'm more focused on trying to be successful ... and to be honest I cannot answer that because I don't know where I'll be mentally in the next 5 years but my biggest fear is not being able to provide for my family/children and that's why I am in no rush.'


By this time, it seems like females are more concerned with starting a family before time runs out while men are more concerned about accomplishing their goals before starting a family.


> 20 / 20 females wanted children or had them already

19 / 20 males wanted children or had them already

> 7 / 20 Females said they will be okay with no kids at age 35 (hesitantly)

13 / 20 males said the same


June Smith (she decided Jane Doe was ugly), 20 said:

'I'd be fine with no kids at 35. The question for me would be if I'd be okay if I wasn't married by 35. I've been watching labor videos and it's not pretty.'


> 12/ 20 Females said they WILL NOT be happy with no children at age 35

6/ 20 Males said they WILL NOT be happy with no children at age 35

Tracey P, 20 stated: 'Right now in my life, my career is my number one concern so it dictates how other things will go. I definitely want to be married and have a family, however, I do not intend on going down that road until I am satisfied and fulfilled with my career. '

When asked about not having children by age 35:

' ... the thought of being 30, unmarried and without kids kinda frightens me but mostly because society teaches us that. When a man is 30, unmarried and without kids he's seen as cool just like George Clooney! No one bothers to ask 'oh when is he gonna get married and settle down?' but when a woman is in the same situation they say 'geee when is she gonna get married, etc.'

D'Angela Knowles, 22 stated: 'If I am single then I think it will be a bit of a downfall mentally because that's important in building a family but you can't do that unless you find the right guy'

Jillian Russell, 18 said: ' I fear that my goals and kids will clash. No kids by 35? What happens? I love kids so I won't be totally depressed but I'd be a bit upset.'

Jane Doe, 20 said: 'By 35, many of my friends will have kids in college. I think by the time I get to thirty the pressure will be on so I won't be okay with that at all!'

Ally T, 18 said: '35 is too old to start having children'

Male perspective:

Ampero, 25 stated: 'I think I'd feel like I'm lacking something if I don't meet my 35 mark; like an unfinished chapter'

Chrisean Dames, 23 stated: '35 is too old for kids'

Schvonne Mckinney, 20 stated: 'I don't want to be 50 years old with a 5 year old son'

Clearly this has been an interesting topic and I wouuld like to share my feed back in another post.


Welcome to islandmode.blogspot.com. My name is Aneka Stewart and I am absolutely, crazy in love with the arts, poetry, fashion, fun and food. I was born in the beautiful Jamaica and now live in the sunny Bahamas hence the name, IslandMode. There's so much to do around town and so much to talk about so I decided to put my thoughts right here. Stay connected and enjoy!

Here, I would like to express myself and show off the many things I enjoy. From spoken word poetry, art exhibitions, 'George Lopez' re- runs, great food and a rich culture from two beautiful islands, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.

Sit back, get comfortable, share and enjoy