Healthy eating is certainly the order of the day but don't worry; eating healthy doesn't have to be boring, bland or pricey and Go Green Cafe is making sure of that. IslandMode sat down with Keshlah Smith of 'Essence Catering Bahamas,' whom was responsible for the restaurant design, and got some information on the branching out of something that is about to become MAJOR in the Bahamas; healthy eating with style.
'Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring,' Smith noted and I can only agree with such sentiments.
Go Green Cafe has been open in their Mel don Plaza location for 1 year and now they've opened their second location in the Bay Street, Down town area through the corner of East Street. They specialize in healthy meals with a creative twist to ensure that you have a safe, cozy nook to eat, have meetings and lounge with your friends.
If you want to book a meeting space Go Green has a meeting room which holds up to 12 persons which includes a wide screen TV and breakfast or lunch.
Go Green also provides free Wi- Fi services and has great business hours for you to pop in before work time. They're open from 7am- 5pm on week days and 8am- 5 pm on Saturdays.
Be sure to call them up for more information on party bookings, happy hour and daily specials. And look out for a third location in the West!
Since the news of the Bahamas Telecommunication Company being sold to Cable and Wireless broke, there has been an uproar amongst Bahamians. Recently this has become a battle between BTC employess, the government and now irate Bahamians from other facets voicing their opinions about the 51% sale of BTC to Cable and Wireless. Just today a heated and intense protest broke out in Rawson Square as Bahamians demanded answers from leader Rt.Hon.Hubert A. Ingraham. Here's what some Bahamians are saying. And check out this video snippet of what occurred.
'Children are being molested and people are being murdered but they don't want to protest against crime and having murderers and predators hung but they dam protesting and acting like village idiots because of a company being sold.I am sure they could not do any worst than BTC has already done seriously , lets get it together.
'They need to sell BTC, BEC, Water and Sewage and all other government entities!!That's why we are in debt; trying yo pay these BULLSHITTIN STAFF!! It ain't about FNM or PLP; it's about what's best for this country! People are just afraid of change! The only way this country could progress is if we try something new. The old way wasn't working!
'O.M.G I am so disgusted with this whole BTC thing...after this is all over majority of them will be at cable and wireless door putting in their resume. I wont even begin to talk about the IDIOTS who embarrassed themselves in today's 'riot' and cant even say WHY they were out there in the first place. For each and every person they ask not ONE person can give a suitable answer on why they're protesting. Such a damn shame!'
'While you were busy at work on face book all day, Bahamians were downtown creating their own lil Egypt! --Just as long as ya'll keep my cell phone connection going, I'm good!
'I don't think these people even have the right facts. Bahamians need to understand that BTC, like many other government establishments, are overstaffed and have a million redundant positions with 10 different supervisors and managers for one damn department. Not to mention there can be some good coming from this. How can we grow, evolve if we don't CHANGE! Technology will be upgraded with who knows what else. I wish all these people will sit all the way down, and sit small at that!'
'Yes, BTC is lousy, 'wutless', whatever you want to call it and yes we do need change but we should way all of our pros' and cons before making such drastic decisions. Bahamians offered to purchase BTC, why weren't given and equal opportunity? IS this not their country too? Also, issues that plague BTC can be solved without selling it. Hiring consultants, and equipment. Like I said earlier today in the same argument. You know what you gat, but you don't know what you getting. Do you see America letting any other foreigners come to their country and run such an important entity?'
'Ignorance is bliss. People are always afraid of change. Who is looking out for the consumer? Aren't we a little tired of lackluster service, poor customer service and exorbitent rates?'
'We Bahamians protest for the wrong things. If they had to protest against crime, Bahamas for Christ or Peace on the Streets how much of them would be out there? None! It's a shame. We worry about the wrong things. Sell BTC so cable & wireless, at&t, sprint, n digicell can come and bring low rival prices. The government needs to sell BTC, BEC, Water N Sewage and jus keep Bahamasair n ZNS only. They're scared now that they'll finally have to work for those BIG BUCKS they usually make on their days of procrastination, being lazy and calling in sick to go to regatta. It's about time they work for those coins!'
Here's a snippet of today's protest
Finally healthy eating made easy and convenient. Starting March 8th 'Brown Bag' will start delivering gourmet lunches anywhere you are! Just place order 1 day in advance and get ready to enjoy healthy, tasty foods with a menu that changes weekly.
Check out this flyer and their face book page for more information. IslandMode thinks it looks just splendid so far!
IslandMode has been jammin' to the oh so talented Melanie Fiona with her Caribbean inspired tune 'Somebody Come Get Me.' For all the women out there with a short fuse and an even shorter temper this one's for you. And if you're looking for something nice to jam to turn this one up!
Also check out this mellow tune with Melanie Fiona alongside reggae star Stephen Marley
If you're looking for something exciting to do this weekend 'It Beats Me' the stage play and musical seem to suite the weekend just fine.
This Saturday, 8 pm at the Rainforest Theatre promises to be ignited with stellar performances, dancing and singing by a cast of young Bahamian actors so don't miss the show. You can get your hands on tickets from cast members or contact their face book page for more information. Ticket prices are as followed: Balcony: $15,General: $25, V.I.P: $35
"Ahead of the Curve" is deemed to theme for the annual premiere issue of Elfe242 magazine. On the cover features two budding Bahamian film makers Ryan Lightbourn and Lavado Stubbs. Elife242 shoots and sits with them to talk about their accomplishments in creating music videos and movies , pet peeves in the business and upcoming projects.
Staying ahead of the curve as always, the magazine also featured uprising straw handbag fashion designer Aqueelyah Thompson; playwright Adrian Wildgoose and the creators of the popular video "Stop Likin Man" Collage.
So go out and get your copies today throughout Nassau to check out other special feature articles in fashion, music and our sexy Digital Girl Also , read "The Real World Still Exists!" written by yours truly
Mean muggin Bahamian rapper Rapp Quelle has done it once again with a killer Remix of Big Boi's 'Tell C- Bone.'
Check out this exclusive and killer hit with Rapp Quelle getting it in on the last verse.
If you're looking for your next fashion addiction Cute Confections is right for you! IslandMode has been in full support of Bahamian designer and fashionista LaVonne Alexis to get the scoop on 'Cute Confections'; a perfectly sweet, chic and edgy line for fashionistas everywhere. Here's what this Super Chic Designer has to say. Also check out these fab photos of her jewelry and head candy worn by yours truly and many other satisfied patrons. Cute Confections specializes in head candy, funky rings, edgy neck pieces, show stopping purses and now fierce feathered shoulder clips. The fashion entree is sooo meaty!
IM: When did Cute Confections come about and what inspired you?
"I started Cute Confections accessories line in 2010, but a few years ago I had a baking business that I also called Cute confections. I baked cupcakes and cookies for little parties that would go on in my apartment complex when I was living in Ft. Lauderdale, I guess the name just stuck with me."
Cute Confections Head Candy
IM: Give us a little run down on your schooling.
"I went to Kingsway Academy where I started a little fashion show segment for an annual fair. I started college in 05, I did a stint at COB and BTVI. COB in the day majoring in Hospitality and Fashion Design at BTVI in the night. After a semester I left and moved to Florida. I did a year at American Intercontinental University where I had a double major in Fashion Design and Marketing. After a year I transferred to Miami International University where I studied Fashion Design, Accessory Design & Merchandising."
When asked what inspired her LaVonne noted runways, art, Chanel; etc but her inspiration, she stated, mostly came from her close relationship with fellow fashionista Apryl Weech.
"Apryl Weech took me under her wings and started teaching me a lot of what she knew and in my eyes she had a lot of experience in the fashion world."
"I went to her house every Thursday after school and she would just throw me under the buss and say create something and I would scour through Vogue,get inspiration and created stuff and it went on from there!One of my first styling jobs was with her but the most important one I would have to say is when I designed her accessories for her for Islands of the World Fashion week the year she attended and the accesories were later featured in local magazine Stylezine. That's when I knew I found my niche."
If you're wondering what these fab pieces are made of, LadyCuteConfections created the above pieces and others with tassels to fringe fabric, feathers, nuts, bolts, safety pins,door hinges, leather, natural beads & stones; etc
LaVonne hopes to open a 'clothing bakery' in the near future and we are looking forward to any steps she makes.
To contact this fashionista and get a hold of her fab pieces check out 'Cute Confections' on face book and place your order today. The pieces are not only fab, they're affordable.
Tap's vlogs done, done it again with another funny video from her comical collection. In this week's vlog TAP sits with former Minister of Immigration, Hon Branville McCartney, to talk about apple pies, lace fronts and being the next Prime Minister.
Be sure to check her out on face book at 'TAP's Vlogs', twitter at 'theycallmeTAP' and youtube at 'justcallmetap.' Enjoy!