As if we couldn't hear enough about women (and now men), bleaching their skin, Reggae artist Mr. Vegas declares that he's black and proud in his latest dancehall hit. I'm diggin this jam. Check it out here
I want you to ask yourself, ‘Am I a Shelf Girl?’
See, something just toppled over in aisle 7 and on my way there to view what happened I’ve been glimpsing some of my girlfriends on the shelves. In case you’re wondering what a ‘Shelf Girl’ is lemme explain.
1. You’re interested in a guy and he seems to share the same feelings but he comes by now and again or even take you to dinner to keep you satisfied then he goes missing for a few days.
2. He runs over when you call him for comforting. He comes, comforts and then disappears once more for a few days.
3. He tells you he enjoys spending time with you and then he doesn’t talk to you for days on end.
Is this your situation? Are you like the grapes in the fruits section? Or like the ‘bag of chips, and alla that!?' All the possible buyers pick up the bag of chips, check out the size, sometimes even the ingredients and then rest them sloppily back on the shelf because he’s ‘not feelin’ that tonight’ or ‘that’s bad for him right now!’ He pulls a few grapes off the vine, pops a few in his mouth then decides he wants to move on with ‘Peaches!’
Ladies, remember to respect yourself. If you feel like he’s popping in now and again to keep you on his side then disappearing faster than Zorro after the heat of a sword fight, then it’s not worth it.
Unless you are comfortable with your relationship being one of ‘convenience’ then lay that out or don’t complain when he can’t serve you the way you want to be served. If this is a one stop shop, then act like it but don’t hold him accountable when you want 24 hour convenience.
On this end, we’re not promoting shelf behavior; you gatta move on. This kind of thing carries on into relationships that can possibly turn into marriages. What do you think your ‘fiancé’ does? Gives you a ring, take you off the store shelf but puts you on his shelf at home, and then keep you from potentially meeting someone that wants to bag you, taxes or not and take you home with a Kool-Aid Jammer Smile.
If you’re dating Spider Man, shelf behavior is okay; cuz we all know his has to run off into the wee hours of the night and fight off green villains. But if you are dating Mr-I-already-came-half-steppin-and-I’m-a-little-stupid-so-I-might-break-your-heart then mosey your neatly packaged self of those rusty shelves; you deserve better! ;)
The Bob Marley Resort and Spa is set to be reopened on May 11th, 2011 and the event promises to be nothing less than spectacular.
Bob Marley's 'Mellow Mood' teas and drinks will be the highlight of the evening which have been introduced in the early part of this year. They are all 100 percent natural and caffeine-free.
Contact the Marley Resort at 702- 2800 for tickets and and
Check out this flyer to see what events are taking place.
All Day activities for $10.00 - open to the public at 10:00am
Wristbands will be issued
More info
9:00 am Press Sampling of the product a special press sampling for those who can not make the launch late that evening.
10:00 am The Gallery Opens with a collection of his photos Doors Open to the Public
11:00 am The Screening Room opens for guest to view all his commercials and personal interviews.
12:00 Noon Lunch is an Organic Salad Bar Served with a selection of one of Marley's Mellow Mood lightly carbonated sodas in Berry or Citrus Flavors for a fee.
12:30 pm Hands & Craft Expo Good to purchase a Fashion Show
3:00pm Sampling and Tasting continues with Marley’s Mellow Mood Sodas
6:00pm Meet & Greet Rita Marley
6:30pm Marley's Beverage Company Presentation by Hector Rivera
7:00pm Marley's Mellow Mood is Launched Green Tea with Honey and Black Raspberry with Honey
8:00pm Entertainment by Ernie Smith Jamaican Legendary Folk Artist and Bahamian Alia Coley Dinner Show for a fee off the menu Meat & Organic Salad
So I've found my latest Summer Fashion Fetish and it is definitely the rugged yet fun and sexy boyfriend shorts. We've heard about boyfriend jeans but here's a way to throw on that classic fit with a twist for the hot summer months ahead of us.
These shorts work really well with loose fitting tops, tanks and even with a boyfriend blazer or a cute cardigan. Check out these photos to see how the celebs are wearing them.
Courtesy of Victoria Secret
Rihanna in boyfriend shorts and a blazer
Yours truly in Boyfriend shorts by United Colors of Benetton
Go out and get yourself this hot look to keep you cool this summer and looking your best.
It's just a matter of hours before the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton takes place in Westminster Abbey, London. Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes were invited to attend the wedding with their wives. We can't wait to get more scoop on the fabulous event.
Let me get straight to the point! If your man shows up for a date late once that can be excused. If he shows up for another date late, that may be excused but this time, with good reasoning. If your man continues to show up for a date every night, every week, every month, then honey, it's a character flaw.
Let me bring it home for you. We're all human which means we are liable to make mistakes. It's a part of being, well, human. So when someone makes a mistake that is completely understandable; but when someone repeats the same behavior over and over again then it is considered a character flaw.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with character flaws, we all have them. But how much of a character flaw is acceptable?
There are some things you should tolerate but other just won't fly. Here's how to tell the difference.
1. If your man forgot your plans because he had a busy week or he is tied with something important- that is a mistake. If he forgot your dinner date at 8, your lunch date at 3, your sexy rendezvous at 2 because: 'oh I forgot again, I'm sorry.' then I hate to break it to you but that is a character flaw! He clearly has a problem with locking down a plan and making time for you.
2. If your man lied about something, depending on what it is, it may have been a mistake. Sometimes people lie to avoid hurting your feelings. When your man lies about hanging in another girl's bed because: 'she invited me over and I didn't know how to tell her no' or he got another girls number and claims: 'what? I wasn't going to call her, just didn't want to hurt her feelings by not taking her number.' Clearly your guy has commitment issues and not to mention, an issue with telling the truth.
Making mistakes is expected from everyone but always remember to put your foot down when the time is right. Your guy is only human and may forget things sometimes, show up late or any other mistake you can imagine but when his 'mistakes' are repetitive then something is certainly wrong. Nip things in the bud or get out, FAST, before it's too late.
Punk Princess Avril Lavigne is set to perform at the Atlantis Resort May 27th. Tickets start at $90.
Fore more information check out the Atlantis Resort website.
This new track by Daddi Whites and Lady Millz is HOT!!!! Check it out here and don't forget to request it at your favorite radio station.
Sheniqua's back and she claims to have the best pum- pum. Check out the latest TAP's Vlog featuring 'Free Ya Mind' host Empress, the sassy Sheniqua and TAP serenading you with her amazing voice. Be sure to check her out on face book at TAP's vlogs
Hey guys, check out this amazing video showcasing some of the wonders of The Bahamas! I am definitely going snorkeling this summer :D
In this video: Brooks and Ryan Russell of High Seas Excursion; Clee J Vigal of Stuart's Cove; Eldina Miller of Exclusive Bahamian Crafts; Donovan Ingraham of Dolphin Encounters; Captain Blah-Blah of Pirates of Nassau; Enrico and Paola Garzaroli of Graycliff; Romeo Farrington, Taxi Driver / Tour Guide; and Antonius Roberts, Island Artist.
Man- bashing: 'the act of speaking badly about men; usually amongst broken- hearted, inexperienced, not-treated-so-well-by-her-man, irate, lesbian women.'
It's everywhere! 10 Signs he's cheating, 10 Ways to know he's lying, 10 Body Languages that Give Away What he's thinking! But what about 10 wonderful ways to make your man feel special? Whether he's yours or even a friend let's take a little vacae from speaking badly about the men we can't stand but can't do without.
Here are 10 Wonderful things to do for your man.
1. Send him an inspirational text in the morning.
- When your man wakes from his night of sleep he's back to putting on the armor of Mega- Man! He's constantly having to prove to his asinine boss he's qualified, the thug next to him he isn't looking for trouble and the woman in his life (you) he can conquer the world and still give you that good loving you brag about to your girls. Help him to start his day off right. Say something quick, short and sweet.
2. Leave him a sexy note!
- Ladies, we're not the only ones that can appreciate surprises. Right as you hop out his car, sneak a sexy little note on his windshield or even in his clove compartment. Give him something to think about throughout the day.
3. Cook his favorite food.
- Even if you have to pull out that dusty cook book, look up a recipe of your man's favorite food and invite him over for dinner. Chanel your inner Rachel Ray and feed your man. We all know it's ONLY the gold- paved road to his heart!
4. Send him flowers
- Your man may be a man's- man but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be wooed just like you do. Send him flowers as a sweet surprise.
5. Plan a date.
- Take the heat off him to find the restaurant, reservations and everything else and plan a date that not only you will enjoy but one that includes some of his favorite things.
6. Compliment him!
- When your man is at work he is constantly being told what to do (if he's not the boss. And even if he was no one cares to tell him how wonderful he is!). When he's around family he is being teased about his childhood but when he is around you, you should be sure to make him feel like he is a true dime piece. Take note if he got a new haircut, a new shirt and wearing a bright smile. Tell him he's handsome, charming and that you love and appreciate him. Remember, he doesn't hear this from anyone else so make sure he feels at home with you! And 'behavior you reward is behavior he repeats.' Reward him for the new haircut and he'll be more motivated to stay fly just for you.
7. Give him a massage
- Pull out the massage oils and give him a nice back rub. No one turns down a good back rub. Operative word: 'good!'
8. Wear something sexy- in his favorite color!
- Whether it's underneath or a full ensemble wear something sexy in his favorite color and he'll be sure not to forget that occasion or how amazing you looked.
9. Buy his favorite CD/ DVD/ Book/ Game
- Particularly if it's something he has been looking for for a while, purchase his favorite CD/DVD/BOOK/GAME and leave it somewhere for him to find.
10. Pray for/with him!
- There's nothing more powerful than prayer and here's one of the perfect ways to show your man you believe in him, you have a place for your God and for him and you want to make sure he is in safe keeping by the Big Man Upstairs.
*Proceed with caution! If your man makes no effort to make you feel special or to treat you with respect don't even begin. This is for the man that knows how to treat his woman and is in turn deserving of this kind of treatment.
If my man had to be described in one word it would be ‘sohothemakesmypantiesdropjustbythethoughtofthethingshewantstodotome.’ Yeah that’s right!
Like the fourth of July David had been celebrating me like he never had before. Popping up with sweet treats, sending the freshest and most beautiful flowers at my work desk. He’s been putting in the work.
Dinner Night.
I’m clad in the hottest frock you can imagine and after 3 glasses of that good good wine David and I were head over heels, pulsating, barely able to keep our hands off each other long enough to get to the car.
My nipples, as sharp as a pencil for first period and D’s, ‘Chief’ was as excited as a lucky little school boy.
He sped through traffic, frantically running all the red lights, gliding his broad hands between my firm thighs, breathing deeply and gazing steadily into my timid yet widened eyes.
I wanted him- THERE!
It’s back to his place and he teases me by making me sit outside,
With my wet,
Palms …
Time’s a tickin, and I’m a missin his warm and wet kisses … Oh David take me now.
But shhh … mum and dad is home!
Quietly, quickly,
I slid and slipped through the dark hallways of his place …
‘shhhh, I have something I want to show you!’
And just like that, DD lay me out like brand new sheets,
Pressed up on me like the air he breaths,
Sucked and nibbled at every sweet part of me, slid his sweet tongue all over me,
slippery, interestingly,
Fitting perfectly,
Precise like geometry,
Making my spine shiver,
He went further,
I murmured ….
If you haven't heard Yagga Yo's new song 'Lovely Day' by now, you're totally missing out on a positive jam. The video, shot in Habour Island and North Eleuthera, captures the true culture and beauty of the islands. IslandMode loves this jam. Check it out here!
If you're interested in submitting a documentary, short film, feature, script or narrative, the Bahamas Film Festival is giving you an opportunity to do so by July 18th, 2011.
The Film Festival is a non- profit organization dedicated to providing Bahamians and visitors with a wide variation of films from around the world.
Festival takes place December 1- 4th, 2011. For more information check out
IslandMode chose the perfect Sunday activity this weekend by being apart of the 7th annual Transforming Spaces Art Tour. Transforming Spaces wishes to expose Bahamians and tourist to contemporary art in The Bahamas and this year was a huge success.
This year's tour was made shorter to give patrons more time at each stop. The itinerary for this year included:
New Providence Art & Antiques
The Hub
Doongalik Studios
Pro Gallery
Popop Studios
The D'Aguilar Art Foundation
Check out these photos and comments from various artist and studio owners.
First stop: New Providence Art & Antituqes
Allan Wallace
Omar Richardson: 'My Two Worlds' (Winner of Central Bank Award)
Jace McKinney: 'The Promise'
Next Stop: The Hub
Aneka Stewart:: IslandMode
Next Stop: Doonkalik Studios (my fave)
Aneka Stewart ::IslandMode alongside Mr. Jackson Burnside :: Owner of Doonkalik Studios
Aneka Stewart ::IslandMode alongside Orchid Burnside (artist)
Next up: Pro Gallery
On to Popop Studios
Last but not least:: The D'Aguilar Art Foundation
IslandMode alongside Antonius Roberts
Be sure to be apart of this experience next year with Transforming Spaces as they transform your world!